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Ellie the Wienerdog Celebrates Peanut Butter Appreciation Day

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy. Share some peanut butter covered love today! Today we celebrate everything about Peanut Butter! Here are a few good things to know about peanut butter for your pups along with some of my favorite peanut butter recipes you can make for your puppy pals.

In moderation, peanut butter is a major source of saturated fat, Niacin, Vitamin B and Protein. Most peanut butter brands are safe for dogs to eat but it is best to purchase or make unsalted versions of peanut butter recipes, as some products contain considerable amounts of sugar and salt, which can be dangerous for your pup.

It is also important to make sure there is no Xylitol in any of the peanut butter products for your pup, as Xylitol, a sugar free substitute found in many sugar-free products, is toxic to dogs. Xylitol can affect a deadly insulin rise in dogs, which causes a rapid blood sugar drop in their body, called hypoglycemia. If you think your dog has eaten xylitol, contact your veterinarian immediately, and keep an eye out for symptoms of xylitol poisoning, such as weakness, collapse, staggering, lack of coordination, and seizures.

It is important to not overfeed dogs peanut butter, especially if they have a weight problem because peanut butter is so hyper palatable that it is easy for dogs to overeat. Obesity can also lead to pancreatitis which can be life threatening to dogs. Dog owners can contact their veterinarian to ask for advice as to how much peanut butter to feed their pets or they can follow the standard ten percent rule. This rule states that all and any treats should not compromise more than 10% of a daily dogโ€™s diet.

If you would like to try your own hand at some yummy peanut butter recipes for your dog, here are my favorites.

If you get around to making some of these peanut butter recipes please let us know if your dog thought they were pawsome or not! We would love to hear about your cooking experiences! Feel free to share your experiences and images on our Facebook, tweet it to @EllieWienerdog or tag us on your Instagram post using @elliewienerdog.

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