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123-456-7890 info@yoursite.com
Open House on the 24th, - 12 mid day to 5 pm.

Ellie the Wienerdog Celebrates Peanut Butter Appreciation Day

Ellie the Wienerdog Celebrates Peanut Butter Appreciation Day

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy. Share some peanut butter covered love today! Today we celebrate everything about Peanut Butter! Here are a few good things to know about peanut butter for your pups along with some of my favorite peanut butter recipes you can make for your puppy pals. In moderation, peanut butter is a major source

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Ellie’s Favorite Puppy Peanut Butter Recipes

Ellie’s Favorite Puppy Peanut Butter Recipes

November is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month and Ellie the Wienerdog is unsurprisingly a huge fan of peanut butter. Most dogs are fans of this yummy condiment, so it is handy that peanut butter is one of the safest snacks for dogs. In moderation, peanut butter is a major source of saturated fat, Niacin, Vitamin

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