Welcome to Ellie The Wienerdog Online Shop!
123-456-7890 info@yoursite.com
Open House on the 24th, - 12 mid day to 5 pm.
Today We Are Grateful for…

November is Gratitude Month and so today, we are taking the time to think about what we are grateful for.

We are grateful for Sunny days but Fall temps; toys that squeak when you bite them; puffy clouds that look like wienerdogs; a Mom that listens when we bark to tell her the vacuum is a monster; our tiny paws that allow us to skitter skatter all over the house at breakneck speed; big orange fruits that we can make into dog treats or pee on, depending on our mood.

Life has been great for us so far. What are you grateful for today?

We want to hear from you! Feel free to share your experiences and images on our Facebook, tweet it to @EllieWienerdog or tag us on your Instagram post using @elliewienerdog. Share for a chance to win some cool Ellie bling like bookmarks, magnets or stickers.

Share Some Long Dog Fun!