The appeal of buttons is clear. They come in every shape, colour and style, from pearly white shirt buttons, to ornate Victorian affairs, to cute fastenings shaped like insects and animals. Any outfit can be updated by adding the right buttons, and sewing them on is one of the easiest types of needlework to learn.
Continue Reading...Ellie the Wienerdog Celebrates America Recycles Day
Today is America Recycles Day, which begs the question – have you ever reused a box for something nifty? With the holidays coming up, everyone will be getting and using lots of boxes so what can people do with all those boxes besides using them to send things? Ellie the Wienerdog has compiled a handy
Continue Reading...Ellie the Wienerdog Favorite Peanut Butter Recipes
November is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month and Ellie the Wienerdog is unsurprisingly a huge fan of peanut butter. Most dogs are fans of this yummy condiment, so it is handy that peanut butter is one of the safest snacks for dogs. In moderation, peanut butter is a major source of saturated fat, Niacin, Vitamin
Continue Reading...Happy Veterans Day!
Ellie the Wienerdog and Open Door Press are thankful for veterans this Veterans Day. Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause. – Abraham Lincoln How important it is
Continue Reading...Paw Approved: Sesame Street
So many of our childhood memories involve learning new concepts and experiences by watching Sesame Street on public television. Whether it was learning the letter of the day, journeying to some far away land to meet new characters or singing along to the words on the screen, each one of us felt secure and more
Continue Reading...Ellie the Wienerdog Celebrates Parents as Teachers Day
Parents as Teachers Day is a holiday that has been observed since 2001 but the concept began when educators in the state of Missouri noticed that kindergarten students were showing up to class with diverse levels of learning aptitude. Children whose parents spent more time preparing for the upcoming year showed better learning capabilities once
Continue Reading...Today We Are Grateful for…
November is Gratitude Month and so today, we are taking the time to think about what we are grateful for. We are grateful for Sunny days but Fall temps; toys that squeak when you bite them; puffy clouds that look like wienerdogs; a Mom that listens when we bark to tell her the vacuum is
Continue Reading...National Young Readers Week
It’s National Young Readers Week! Since 1989, National Young Readers Week has been an annual event held during the second week of November to raise awareness around the importance of reading. The event was co-founded by Pizza Hut and the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. We are continuing our tradition of
Continue Reading...Did somebody say “SANDWICH”?
YUMMM! Is that a SANDWICH I smell? It’s #hardtobegood when I get a whiff. (as you’ll see in my book It’s Hard to be Good) Happy National Sandwich Day!
Continue Reading...National Author’s Day
Today is a day to honor all your favorite authors and to encourage any writers in your life to keep working on their masterpieces. Happy National Author’s Day! Ellie the Wienerdog would like to highlight some local authors and ways to follow them and their work, including: Sheri Fink – An inspirational speaker, a #1 best-selling,
Continue Reading...Ellie the Wienerdog Favorite Fall Pumpkin Recipes
Ellie the Wienerdog is a huge fan of fall and food. So, it follows that the combination of those two favorites would be the ultimate favorite! Arguably, the best fall food item is pumpkin related and as it stands, pumpkin is very healthy for dogs in it’s pure form. Pumpkin is a fabulous source of
Continue Reading...November is Pizza Month!
November is Pizza Month! U like pumpkin spice with that bro? See More Fun Stuff!
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